Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Contacts and Last-minute Suggestions

You should receive an email from Dr. Hartnett with emergency cellphone numbers for the group while we're in Europe. There are 866 (toll-free) numbers you can use if you have to reach us, although you can also call the hotels directly.

We'll update the blog when we arrive to let you know that the trip went well. If you'd like your child to contact you as well, please talk to him or her about that before we go. It will be easy enough for us to take a quick email break on the first day. We'll be six hours ahead in Rome, seven in Athens.

There's still time to finish last-minute preparations, but not much. This is a very busy week at school with the play, tests, quizzes, papers, basketball and hockey games, and spring tryouts. If you need help with anything, please let us know.

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